
My physiotherapy practice at Female Focus is holistic and is goal orientated to the woman sat in front of me. Your goals are my goals! Treatment is tailored to each individual and it is aimed at reducing pain and restoring / improving function.

Physiotherapy at Female Focus involves a broad range of treatment and advice. This may include:

  • Pelvic floor relaxation (sometimes known as ‘down-training’)
  • Pelvic floor muscle strengthening exercises – working on co-ordination and endurance
  • Advice on bladder habits
  • Advice on bowel habits
  • Advice on diet and fluid intake
  • Exercise prescription 
  • An assessment in our Workout Assessment Zone at the clinic. This can be important if you are having pain. leaking or prolapse symptoms during recreational exercise
  • Mobilisation & Manual therapy
  • Massage
  • Internal pelvic floor release work (sometimes called myofascial release) 
  • EMG Biofeedback
  • Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)
  • Vaginal Pessary Fitting - a pessary may be used to manage prolapse and / or bladder incontinence

I provide plenty of information and advice and also will give you the opportunity to ask questions so together we can decide on the best treatment options for you.